Maine will be imposing a 43% excise tax on all tobacco products, up from the 20% tax previously imposed, and includes “electronic smoking devices and the liquids used in them.” Unfortunately, this means that every vaping product in the state of Maine will have an increased tax in place beginning January 2nd, 2020. Maine’s tax lies firmly in the middle compared to other states. Washington (9¢/ml), New York (20%supplemental sales tax on all products), Delaware (5¢/ml), and Pennsylvania (40% wholesale tax) all fall below Maine while California (59.27% wholesale tax) and Washington D.C. (67% wholesale tax) are above.
Essentially what this means is that Empire now pays an additional 43¢ for every dollar spent on top of the other dues we pay. For example, if Empire purchases a $10 bottle of e-liquid there would be an additional $4.30 tacked on in wholesale tax. This tax will apply to every purchase and to each item we buy.
Empire vows to do our best to keep the tax from affecting our customers but there is only so much we can do. We thank each of you for continuing to be our patrons and we look forward to continuing to serve you in the future.